At a Glance

At a glance

All-through British Curriculum School

Safa Community School aims to provide an education of the highest quality for every child. The school is committed to maximizing the learning potential of every child and through a range of creative, imaginative and challenging learning experiences, children develop lifelong learning skills. We instill in all children, a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the need for tolerance, empathy, courtesy and consideration to others.

Rated 'Outstanding'


2,557 Students

51:49 Male to Female Ratio

82 nationalities

British being the largest demographic


SCS opened in September 2014 and won 'The Best New School in the UAE' award.

20 Years

In Education


Happy Staff Members


Subject Teachers

Student Demographics

South African

Teacher Demographics

Australian/New Zealand/South African
AU/NZ 2.6%

Key Student Facts

We take great pride in being a truly global community with families from different countries and cultures with the largest demographic (31.6%) being British, followed by Egyptian (10.4%) and American (4.4%). Approximately 45 students at the school are Emirati (1.8%). Boys and girls are split fairly equally at a ratio of 51:49.

Key Teacher Facts




Parents' Voice

2025 Parent Survey Results
Is your child happy at school?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Does the school develop a thriving, inclusive learning culture, demonstrating a commitment to achieving equity for all?
Agree or Strongly Agree 95%
Does the school understand the uniqueness of each student and their well-being?
Agree or Strongly Agree 95%
Does the school value and create a diverse school community, recognising it as an important enabler of student wellbeing?
Agree or Strongly Agree 98%
Do you believe the school's health and safety procedures provide a safe place for your child to learn?
Agree or Strongly Agree 98%
Do you feel that the school prioritises your child's wellbeing?
Agree or Strongly Agree 93%
Do you believe the school educates your child on how to be safe online?
Agree or Strongly Agree 91%
Do you feel that the school is supportive and respectful of all cultures, religions and beliefs?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you feel that the leadership team are approachable and understanding?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you feel that you are consistently well informed about your child's learning and development?
Agree or Strongly Agree 83%
Do you feel that the school listens to parent's concerns and acts upon them?
Agree or Strongly Agree 93%
Do you know who to go to if you have a concern in the school?
Agree or Strongly Agree 92%
Are you satisfied with your child's curriculum offering?
Agree or Strongly Agree 93%
Do you feel SCS has a strong community ethos?
Agree or Strongly Agree 98%

Students' Voice

2025 Student Survey Results -Whole School
Are you happy at Safa Community School?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Do you feel safe at Safa Community School?
Agree or Strongly Agree 99%
Do you know how to make safe choices online?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you know who to speak to if you're worried about something?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Do you feel successful in your learning?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you feel supported by your Teacher(s) in your learning?
Key Stage 4 & 5 97%
Do you get opportunities to take part in activities that you enjoy at school?
Key Stage 4 & 5 97%
Do you have opportunities to collaborate with your peers?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you have the opportunity to celebrate your own culture?
Agree or Strongly Agree 96%
Do you think you get the opportunities to learn about being a good person? For example: Being kind, honest, inclusive, respectful
Agree or Strongly Agree 98%
Do you understand how mistakes help you learn?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Do you know how to look after your own wellbeing?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Does SCS encourage you to think about the environment & become more sustainable?
Agree or Strongly Agree 97%
Do you know about how to live a healthy and nutritious lifestyle?
Agree or Strongly Agree 99%
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