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Student Transition

Rationale & Aims

Transition describes the movement that takes place from one familiar setting, including the home, to another. At SCS we aim to support children in settling into their new learning environment in preparation for future learning and development. Pupils at Safa Community School will make transitions each Academic Year as they move through the school including:

  • Transition from home/nursery to EYFS
  • Transition from EYFS to Year 1
  • Transition from one year group to another
  • Transition from Year 6 to secondary school
  • Transition of new children into SCS from another school

Our Aims

  • Make a happy transition from home to school and year group to year group.
  • Support all children towards independence and develop confidence and ability to cope with change.
  • Give pupils a clear understanding of the new expectations ahead of them.
  • Ensure that any relevant information from outside agencies is acknowledged and acted upon particularly in regard to children who might be considered vulnerable.
  • Encourage all parents to be partners in their child’s education.
  • Assist parents in helping their child prepare for school and transition to each new phase

Transition Process

Once a place in FS1 or FS2 has been confirmed, arrangements for transition are communicated to parents in writing. Arrangements for transition include:

FS Information Evening

Parents are invited to a meeting at which they meet the EYFS Leadership Team and receive further information about the setting and the settling-in process. This is also an opportunity for parents to ask any questions and clarify start of year arrangements. The Senior Leaders will discuss the curriculum and learning opportunities within the Early Years at SCS. This is an opportunity to calm any nerves and answer any questions parents may have.

Play Dates

Prior to the new Academic Year, new children to SCS are invited into school to become familiar with their new learning environment, including FS classrooms, shared areas and outdoor learning spaces adjoined to classrooms. Children take part in a play session, to experience Early Years learning at SCS. Foundation Stage teachers facilitate the play sessions whilst observing our new learners. Information gathered from these sessions confirms best class placements for the children.

‘All About Me’ documents

Parents are required to fill out a transition document, with the input of their child, to fully inform teachers about their new learners. Information collected is shared with teachers prior to the children starting school to ensure they can support all learners in settling into SCS.

Meet the Teacher Profile

Children are placed into classes after careful consideration by the Senior Leadership Team and FS team leaders, using information gathered from parent surveys and FS Play Dates. It is important that our new learners and their parents are fully informed about their new teacher, therefore we send a teacher profile and video out to parents over the summer break. The teacher profile details information about their previous experience, teaching philosophy and interests. 

New Student Morning

Prior to all learners returning to SCS, new children take part in a virtual tour into school to see their new classroom and they met their new teacher during a Zoom meeting. The virtual tour allows children to explore their new learning environment, as well as familiarise themselves with their class teacher and teaching assistants who will be supporting them throughout the year. For some children, it may be necessary to start their transition into school earlier in the year due to additional needs. Where possible, children who will need further time to transition complete regular Zoom sessions in Term 3 of the previous Academic Year to get to know their teacher and surroundings.

FS Staggered Start

All children entering into FS1 complete a staggered start during the first week of term where they come to school 2 hours per day in smaller groups. This allows for teachers and teaching assistants to fully support the children in settling into their new learning environment as well as getting to know their personalities, interests and needs. For any children in FS1 or FS2 who are finding the transition into school particularly difficult, an individualised transition program is created with the class teacher, parents and Head of Pastoral Care for FS to ensure they feel comfortable and happy in separating from their parent/carer.

Transition from FS2 to Year 1 presents a unique challenge as children move from the play-based approach of the Early Years Foundation Stage to the requirements of the National Curriculum. To ensure children feel at ease with their transition into Year 1 we focus on the following:

Learning Environments

Year 1 teachers work closely with FS teachers and Head of Teaching and Learning to ensure consistent expectations for learning environments as well as providing familiar learning areas and provisions for children to explore. The Year 1 department have developed a purpose-built shared area where children can free-flow in and out of with exciting provision set up linked to their year group topic. During Term 3, FS2 children visit the Year 1 classrooms and take part in an activity morning with their new teacher.

Curriculum Adaptations

During the first two terms in Year 1, children experience a gradual transition from the play-based approach to teaching and learning they have experienced within the EYFS, to a structure with more whole-class, teacher-led sessions. All children in Year 1 have daily opportunities to access the shared areas, as well as having a free-flow session each week where they can explore all Year 1 classrooms and complete activities linked to their interests. At the start of the year key aspects of the learning environment and pedagogy are familiar to the children, such as areas of continuous provision. Teachers gradually increase the amount of whole class teaching and independent work, with more whole class lessons delivered alongside opportunities for play-based learning throughout the year.

Transition Information

FS2 teachers prepare documents for Year 1 teachers, which identify gaps in children’s learning, highlights the level at which the children have reached in Phonics, Reading and Maths. Time is given for the EYFS teachers and Year 1 staff to meet to share the EYFS Profile, Pupil Progress and Attainment and pastoral information.

Parent Support and Information

In Term 3, FS parents are invited to complete a tour of the primary school focusing on Year 1 so they can see what the new environment will be like. They are given key information on the similarities and differences between FS and Year 1. This is an opportunity for parents to ask any questions and to feel prepared to support their child in this transition. Along with the tours we share a parent webinar “Welcome to Year 1” which includes information about the curriculum, learning environments, playgrounds, pastoral care, ECA program and home learning.

Each year, the Pastoral Team begins the transition process for year groups at the start of Term Three. This process is carefully planned to ensure that class dynamics and individual needs are a key priority.

Class Allocations 

Each year we evaluate the needs of each cohort in Primary as well as taking feedback from staff and parents regarding whether classes should be mixed up or remain the same for the next academic year. Our decisions are tailored to the children each year and are always based on their best interest. 

If a Year Group Mixes Classes

  • Parental Involvement: parents are sent a Google Form questionnaire to discuss friendships with their children at home. For any children whose parent has not completed the form, the class teacher will discuss friendship requests with them individually. Parents are welcome to meet with a member of the Pastoral Team to discuss any concerns or ask any questions which may affect the decisions of a class placement.
  • Teacher and Team involvement: the parent feedback, along with teacher judgement, are used in order to allocate the children into smaller groups. Once the groups have been formed, teams, led by year group leaders, work together to create the proposed classes. Specific thought and care is placed upon the groups of children within each class, including SEND, More Able Gifted and Talented, Fragile Learners, Emirati and gender. At this stage, the initial classes are reviewed by the Senior Management and any feedback regarding individuals is given.
  • Class Trials: two set dates are planned for in order to trial the classes within their year group setting. Year group leaders, Assistant Heads and the Head of Primary complete a learning walk during this time to observe the classes. Freeflow/PCaRT style activities are planned to allow for interaction and collaboration between children to gauge how they will work together. Feedback is discussed and shared with Year Leaders. If it is required, any changes are made and the transition trial process is repeated until all involved feel that the classes are balanced and suitable for all.

If the Year Group Does Not Mix

Parents are sent a Google Form to complete if they wish for their child to change class. This would be done in consultation with the class teacher and Leadership team to ensure the correct placements are made for those individual children.

  • Teacher Allocation: the Senior Leadership Team will look at the expertise of all members of staff and decisions are made on the best teacher to fit the needs of the individuals within a class. Teaching Assistants skills are matched with the needs and support requirements of the class at this stage to allow for the most effective interventions and provisions to be planned for.
  • Meet the Teacher: all children visit their new classes towards the end of the summer term, spending a morning in their new classroom with next year’s teaching staff. Children engage in a range of activities, discuss the curriculum and have the opportunity to ask questions. All parents receive a ‘Meet the Teacher’ profile and a video about their new teacher to share with their children. This will provide them with some information about their new teacher that can be used for discussion at home over the summer break.
  • Class Handover: Class handover conversations begin between teachers before the end of the previous academic year. In addition, during induction week of Term 1, team time is planned to allow teachers to discuss individual children to ensure the receiving teacher has a good understanding of the learning and pastoral needs of each child. The class profile is shared, which contains relevant information about the children including the Pupil Progress Summary, progress and attainment data, SEN concerns, stages of language acquisition and pastoral and health/medical information. Assessment information on children’s attainment, progress and targets is also shared. The receiving teacher also has access to each child’s end of year school report via Google Drive or from the school Registrar if they are new to school. The SENCO and appropriate member of the Pastoral Team will meet with the team to discuss any SEND, Social, Emotional or Personal information regarding individuals.
  • Parent/ Teacher Information Meetings: Parents have the opportunity to meet their teacher via zoom before the beginning of term, which provides information about the routines and expectations of the child’s new class and the learning which is planned for the academic year. This is also an opportunity for parents to tell their child’s new teacher about anything specific they need to know. A timetable and year group ‘How you can help at home document’ are shared with parents at, or shortly after this meeting. Whilst some activities in the first week of the Autumn term are specifically planned to help children settle into their new environment and get to know the adults who are now working with them, it is our policy to move to a regular timetable as soon as is practicable in order to maximise the children’s learning opportunities.

Specialist Opportunities

Students in year 6 have opportunities to be taught by specialist secondary teachers in a range of subjects including Art, Music, PE and Design Technology. The transition between classrooms and relationships built with these teachers prepares them for the Secondary lesson timetable.

Pastoral Liaison

During term 2 the Primary and Secondary pastoral team and SEND work closely together identifying areas of support needed for academics and social/emotional wellbeing. From this, learning walks are then completed by SLT to create clear pathways for the students’ development as they approach their secondary education.

Parental and Student Involvement

In term 3 a number of workshops are put on to familiarise students with the digital platforms used in Secondary lesson setups. There is then a transition day where existing year 6 students and year 6 students from other schools who will join SCS Secondary take part in collaborative activities led by secondary teachers. They have opportunities to work in secondary classrooms and familiarise themselves with everything that year 7 has to offer. Current secondary student leaders help during the day and give a short Q&A session for year 6 children about any concerns they may have. From this students then complete a reflection task to provide feedback and any questions that they may have. Further learning walks are then scheduled to work closely with individuals. The school then shares pupil information between Primary and Secondary Key stage leaders, including the end of KS2 attainment levels and important pastoral information. Records of safeguarding concerns are also passed on. The achievement of the cohort of students leaving primary school is celebrated through a Year 6 graduation social evening as well as a graduation ceremony for the students, parents and school community.

Due to the International setting of Dubai, it is a priority for us at Safa that families are supported in the transition process at any point throughout the year.

Prior to Starting

The Head Teacher of both Primary and Secondary, as well as Assistant Heads work closely with the school Registrar throughout the admissions process. Children who require additional information based on their school report findings will be invited in to complete an assessment or in class observation. Once a child has been offered a place, any relevant information regarding the class, teacher profile, key dates and timetables are sent to new parents prior to starting at school. All new families are invited to an arranged visit prior to the child’s first day of school so that they can see their classroom and the school. Peer buddies will be identified from this day so that the child has a friend when they do arrive for their first day.

First Day

As it is not always possible for families to attend a pre-visit, due to relocating to a new country, a member of the Pastoral Team will always greet the child at reception on their first day. The class teacher will ensure that the child’s buddy looks after them and helps them to settle into routines. A brief tour and Q&A session will be held with the student and parent to ease them into school life.

Over the First Few Weeks

Throughout the first few weeks, the class teacher will reach out to parents, either in person or via email, to provide updates on their child’s adjustment to life at Safa. This communication will allow both parents and the teacher to ask questions and gather additional information related to the child’s social, emotional, and academic progress. Additionally, a member of the Pastoral Team will conduct a brief survey with new students to check on their well-being and ensure they are aware of the available support if needed. Any concerns about the child will be shared with the Pastoral Team or the Inclusion Department, with further interventions or actions implemented as necessary. The class teacher and Pastoral Team will continue to monitor each child’s transition to ensure they are fully settled into life at Safa.