

Seesaw (FS1 - Year 6)

Seesaw is our main learning platform which provides a digital portfolio of your child’s learning and it is also a simple parent communication tool.  Parents and children will be provided with their own login details at the commencement of the school year. Teachers provide daily updates through pictures and videos, which are aligned to the learning objectives, parents are able to see and comment on this, as well as review the teacher’s feedback and dialogue with the students.

Google Classroom (Year 7 - 13)

Google classroom is our main online Teaching and Learning platform. Individual teachers set up individual classes and they are able to issue classwork and homework as assignments. Students will be given a class code to join each of their individual classes.

WhatsApp Group

Each class will have a WhatsApp group managed by a Class Parent Representative.  The sole purpose of these groups is to further enhance the communication between home and school.  All parents will be asked to sign a WhatsApp Group Guidelines-Agreement Form at the beginning of each academic year to ensure the guidelines are adhered to. View our WhatsApp Guidelines

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