
Welcome Note

SCS is a truly fully inclusive school in every sense of the word

SCS is a community committed to Inclusion, where personalised learning puts the child at the heart of the curriculum.  We follow the well-being model to ensure that each child is supported emotionally and socially as well as academically.

Within our diverse school community, there will be many students that have additional requirements.  This may include children with social, emotional and academic challenges, children that are gifted and talented, and children that are English Language Learners.  The Inclusion Team support personalised learning, where appropriate, through specific targeted interventions or enhancements, and curriculum or environment adaptations.

Our community ethos ensures that children of determination are supported by their own team, with parents, teachers, external specialists and the Inclusion Team working together to provide a personalised plan.  This individual approach ensures that each child has the tools they need to feel secure in their learning journey to become a confident and independent learner.

Partners & Accreditations


SCS is a truly fully inclusive school in every sense of the word. Our belief is that every student has an entitlement to develop their talents, skills and be challenged to reach their full potential. Educational experiences are provided which develop students’ achievements and recognise their individuality. Diversity is valued as a rich resource, which supports the learning of all. In this school, inclusion recognises a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum, which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents, and personal qualities. We are committed to giving each child at our school every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards, to foster an attitude of caring for learning and enabling the opportunity for every student to shine.

Through School Percentages (ELL & SEND Support)
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4

Essential Information

SCS has an ethos which promotes the inclusion of students and establishes the long term direction for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). It is a whole-school approach with a focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning, meeting each student’s individual needs following the guidelines of the School Inspection Framework 2016 -2017

SCS treats all applications equally and admits students with a range of Special Educational Needs, as evidenced by the SEND register, which is monitored regularly. Applicants will undergo our standard assessment process (if appropriate) and depending on their needs we may request some additional assessments or invite the student to spend some time in the classroom. Access is also considered in the admission of a student.

Safa Community School is compliant with the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework which outlines its purpose to:

Every day, in every classroom, all students, including those identified as experiencing special educational needs and disabilities, will learn and achieve in a safe, supportive, engaging and appropriately challenging common learning environment. Within such a setting, their personal, social, emotional and academic needs are fully met.

The school has a commitment to its students and staff to provide an enabling environment and inclusive culture, which celebrates diversity. This means the equality of opportunity must be a reality for all. We make this a reality through the attention we make to the different groups of children throughout our school. The school promotes: ● For all children to have access to a broad, balanced curriculum and to all experiences and activities provided by the school. ● To identify and celebrate the strengths of all children and with sensitive support to address their weaknesses. ● To raise the self-esteem of all children, especially those who come to us with negative feelings about themselves and their abilities. ● To identify students with Special Educational Needs (Students of Determination) as early as possible on entry to our school. ● To keep parents fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment. ● To involve children as much as possible in evaluating their progress, setting targets, and making decisions about their future provision and support.

Identification of special education needs may have occurred before joining SCS, in which case the information relevant to the child is passed to the school to enable the Inclusion Team and teachers to understand the child’s needs prior to their start date.  Alternatively, formal and informal assessment within the school, highlighting strengths and barriers to learning, will enable teachers and inclusion staff to personalise learning through curriculum adaptions and targeted interventions to suit the needs of the individual learner.  All staff at SCS are committed to early identification and positive reinforcement to not only support academic success, but to build confidence, resilience and emotional intelligence.

Teachers, along with the Inclusion Team, personalise learning by providing an inclusive learning environment that builds on each child’s strengths and successes.  Barriers to learning, or challenges, are supported through targeted in-class support, focus groups or targeted 1:1 interventions.  We carefully monitor the progress of our students, ensuring that parents are an integral part of the monitoring and feedback cycle.

Additional advice and support is also available from our Inclusion Head, our pastoral team, through our partnership with Kidsfirst, school counsellors or our school BCBA (behaviour analyst).

The Safa community extends a welcome to all students, regardless of background, culture or needs.  We are highly committed to removing barriers to learning, supporting our children to feel valued members of our Safa family.

Literacy provides us with knowledge, attributes and skills which equip children and young people for learning, life and work.  For some of our learners this can be a challenging area that requires additional support.

Harnessing individual strengths and interests, a personalised approach is planned using a succession of evidence based interventions to provide the next steps in learning, such as 5 minute phonics box,  Catch Up Literacy and online applications such as IDL.

Personalised interventions, targeting skills such as phonics, spelling, reading comprehension and key vocabulary enable learners to grow their confidence and competency.

Maths gives us the ability to learn, reason and think logically. Maths skills are essential in order to live an independent life.  

A secure foundation in number sense leads to confidence in mathematical problem solving as learners grow and develop throughout their school journey.  Additional support for maths is delivered through booster groups or individualised lessons.

Focus and Attention can often be a huge barrier to participation and success in learning.  Identifying and understanding how this impacts progress within a lesson is key to putting the right strategies in place for each learner. From sensory diets in our younger learners to older students managing their own levels of attention, thorough personalised key strategies. Our fully equipped sensory gym.

Developing movement and coordination skills has a critical impact on all areas of child development, sensory and emotional regulation.  From motor planning to handwriting, children need experience and practise in gaining gross and fine motor skills.Children need to be in a calm, alert state to be ready for learning, and able to focus. Providing physical activities and movement breaks throughout the day help all children sustain focus and engage in lessons.

Social and emotional wellbeing is an important determinant of positive development. We consider the role of socio-emotional learning our students’ education.

In response to the strengths and interests of our more able learners, opportunities to stretch and challenge are inclusive and embedded into the curriculum. Our extra curriculum programme is carefully curated to provide additional options for enhancement and growth.

Strong partnerships with external providers, such as Kidsfirst, BeMe and Nacce, enhance our provision with specialist feedback that enables the teaching team to personalise the child’s learning experience and support them to overcome barriers to learning.

Language is a tool to learn knowledge, share information, express feelings, emotions and ideas, share and forge emotional ties and develop a social identity.  

We use a range of resources, such as the Communication Trust progression tools, to identify areas for development and devise individualised SMART targets to support language acquisition.

Some children find social communication difficult, and our experienced team of practitioners respond to this with a holistic child-centred approach.

Developing automaticity in handwriting and a neat script sets learners up for success as they progress towards external examinations. 

Effective skills for learning are essential for ensuring progress and attainment. Personalised support can help students develop positive attitudes to learning. Understanding how the learning process differs for individual students is key to developing the right skills and strategies. Study skills, organisation skills and the use of technology enable independence as students progress through the school.

Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus our attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. We use these skills every day to learn and manage daily life. Difficulty with executive function can make it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions. 

Support is provided by helping students to develop organisational skills such as planning and time management, and to develop self-regulation and focus strategies. Technology can be used to support older students as they progress towards adulthood.

A strong focus on vocabulary expansion is the foundation for our English Language learners (ELL)  whilst developing skills across speaking, listening, reading and writing. 

A range of assessments are used to determine an accurate proficiency level that informs the provision plan for each individual student. 

A wide variety of provision is utilised, from whole-language programmes like ‘English for Everyone’, to targeted interventions such as Catch-up Literacy.

Inclusion is about the acceptance of your community and ensuring that within our Safa community all our children are valued. We offer a needs-led provision which is personalised, fluid and responds to the strengths and needs of each child.

Contact the Inclusion Leadership Team

Nadine Hutchinson
Nadine Hutchinson
Assistant Principal - Inclusion
Welcome Note SCS is a truly fully inclusive school in every sense of the word SCS is a community committed to Inclusion, where personalised learning puts the child at the heart of the curriculum.  We follow the well-being model to ensure that each child is 
Sarah Morrissey
Sarah Morrissey
Head of Inclusion FS & KS1

Hello, I’m a teacher.

Aoife Orr
Head of Secondary Inclusion
Welcome Note SCS is a truly fully inclusive school in every sense of the word SCS is a community committed to Inclusion, where personalised learning puts the child at the heart of the curriculum.  We follow the well-being model to ensure that each child is 
Hayley Martin
Head of Inclusion KS2
Welcome Note SCS is a truly fully inclusive school in every sense of the word SCS is a community committed to Inclusion, where personalised learning puts the child at the heart of the curriculum.  We follow the well-being model to ensure that each child is 
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