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Performing Arts

Performing Arts at SCS

At Safa Community School Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Led by a team of highly dedicated practitioners, all of whom have professional experience, SCS presents two large-scale productions in the School Year and a number of Performing Arts events. 

The Performing Arts Team encourages students to think about self-expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. Within a positive and supportive environment that challenges both individuals and groups, we allow students to develop self-confidence and belief in themselves.

Whilst Performing Arts allow students to develop their creative passions, they simultaneously teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively with others with confidence. The Performing Arts can encourage your child to explore their emotions, expanding their imagination and helping them develop their own, unique voice. Each discipline, (Drama, Dance and Public Speaking), engages the brain, body and emotions in a different way to encourage their confidence and help them find joy in a collaborative and communal expression. 

Performing Arts Team

Danielle Malson
Head of Drama
Performing Arts at SCS At Safa Community School Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Led by a team of highly dedicated practitioners, all of whom have professional experience, SCS presents two large-scale productions in the School 
Jennifer Trentini
Head of Secondary Dance & Drama Teacher
Performing Arts at SCS At Safa Community School Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Led by a team of highly dedicated practitioners, all of whom have professional experience, SCS presents two large-scale productions in the School 
Rebecca Williams
Senior Leader - Learning & Teaching | Drama Teacher
Performing Arts at SCS At Safa Community School Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Led by a team of highly dedicated practitioners, all of whom have professional experience, SCS presents two large-scale productions in the School 
Rebecca Casey
Rebecca Casey
Performing Arts Teacher
Performing Arts at SCS At Safa Community School Performing Arts play a hugely significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. Led by a team of highly dedicated practitioners, all of whom have professional experience, SCS presents two large-scale productions in the School 
Kimberley Ball
Kimberley Ball
Head of Performing Arts

Hello, I’m a teacher.

Secondary School Production

Our Secondary School Production offers students the experience to work with like-minded peers and our highly talented and enthusiastic SCS Performing Arts Team. Students will learn a wide range of skills by becoming involved, not just in rehearsing and performing, but also gaining experience that you can transfer to all parts of life, like working as part of a team, planning, presenting and confidence. 

At SCS we believe being part of the Secondary School Show is invaluable in enhancing our students’ enjoyment of school life. Every year the Performing Arts Team stages a large-scale blockbuster performance, alternating between a musical and a play. Pupils of all ages can get involved, from acting, dancing, singing and playing in the band, to back stage costume and set building and lighting.

The school is very fortunate in having a 500-seat dedicated theatre fully equipped with a lighting desk, up-to-date sound systems and flexible staging. All Secondary School Productions use this space alongside the black box Drama studio and dance floor for rehearsals. 

2023 Production - Grease

2024 Production - Alice in Wonderland

Primary School Production

Our Primary School production plays such a vital role in the life of our school community and offers children the experience to showcase all of their talents through performing arts. They are given the opportunity to work with passionate and experienced teachers to enhance their confidence, develop friendships and to work as a collective to put on a successful show. 

The production is very inclusive and all of the year 5 and 6 students are encouraged to get involved by acting, singing, dancing, prop making and helping backstage, having a significant impact on their positive wellbeing.  

We are looking forward to working hard with all of the children and to celebrate the success of our primary SCS performance! 

London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA)

London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) is a world-leading drama school and examinations provider, and Safa Community School are an official LAMDA Exam Centre. LAMDA examinations are designed to develop life skills, such as: clear communication, self- confidence and teamwork, through the creative platforms of drama and literature.

At SCS we offer Speaking in Public examinations from Years 7-13, these exams offer students the opportunity to improve self-expression, strengthen memory and, most importantly, have fun. Level Three qualifications (Grades 6 and up) are included in the UCAS Tariff.; this means that if students pass these exams they can claim points to help them with university entry in the UK. 

Dance at SCS

The primary and secondary children are provided with a number of opportunities to immerse themselves into the world of the dance. Dance builds self-confidence, motivation and fosters creativity through expressing themselves through movement and music. 

Students are offered open dance classes that include a range of styles through ECAs, dance squad positions and also competitions, such as Desert Dance and BSME, where they are able to showcase and celebrate their ability and performances to other schools in the UAE. These rich experiences encourage collaboration, community and life-long skills for the students, as they explore and express themselves through dance. 

Desert Dance 2023/2024

Desert Dance 6
Desert Dance 2
Desert Dance 5

Speaking in Public

Speaking in Public examinations prepares our learners for a task that daunts so many people. Students write their own speeches, researching the topics, creating visual aids and presenting them from memory (although they can use notecards, if they prefer).  As they progress through the grades they will develop the ability to speak clearly and project their voice for an audience. Learners will discover the techniques they require to engage an audience and to structure their speech effectively. At Grade 6 and above, students will also be asked to create an impromptu speech with minimal preparation, to show their abilities at responding to stimulus and keeping calm under pressure. The skills that our students learn, use and adapt throughout their time preparing for their examinations are life-long skills which create confident, able and thoughtful speakers!

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