UAE National Agenda
In 2010, the UAE Government launched the UAE vision 2021, which charted out the next stage of Educational Development for the UAE. The vision aims to position the UAE among the best countries in the world.
"Education is a fundamental element for the development of a nation and the best investment in its youth."
The UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda emphasised the development of a first-rate education system, which will require a complete transformation of the current education system and teaching methods. The National Agenda aims for all schools, universities and students to be equipped with Smart systems and devices as a basis for all teaching methods, projects and research. There will also be significant investments to promote and reinforce enrollment in preschools as this plays an important role in shaping children’s personalities and their future.
The National Agenda has set as a target that our students rank among the best in the world in reading, mathematics and science exams, and to have a strong knowledge of the Arabic language. Moreover, the Agenda will aim to elevate the rate of graduation from secondary schools to international standards and for all schools to have exceptional leadership and internationally accredited teaching staff. Understanding the value of a first-rate education system and global benchmarks, student achievement on international assessments such as PISA and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has been included by the leadership of the UAE as part of the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda.
The following goals have been set by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai in regard to student performance on these two international assessments: The UAE will be ranked among the 15 highest performing countries in TIMSS The UAE will be ranked among the 20 highest performing countries in PISA.
TIMSS is an external assessment completed every four years in Year 5 and 9. It reports on the performance of students in Mathematics and Science. This is an effective tool for international comparisons as well as school comparisons within a country.
PISA is a survey designed to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of students nearing the end of compulsory education. Every three years, fifteen-year-old students from randomly selected schools in participating economies take assessments in three core domains: reading, mathematics, and science.
Years 4 to 10 complete the PTE (English) and PTM (Maths) and PTS (Science) GL Progress Tests. These are completed at the end of the academic year and are external assessments. The information is used by the school to identify curriculum strengths and gaps to inform planning. These results also give us reliable comparative data against UK National averages and allow comparisons to be made year-on-year.
Our students also complete International Tests in Reading (NGRT Test) three times a year which are standardised, adaptive, termly assessments to measure reading skills against the national and international averages. These results are also used to measure progress and attainment internally and to inform planning and make curriculum modifications.
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