Bubs Khaira

Bubs Khaira

Bubs Khaira

My name is Bubs Khaira and I am from the UK. I have lived in Dubai since 2008. I have been teaching FS1 to Year 6 children P.E. since 2010. I believe that P.E. provides a unique opportunity to aid the overall development and wellbeing of every student. I aim to help students develop lifetime skills and a strong knowledge base in a variety of content areas; one of the most important of those areas being fitness and sport.

About Me

I like the outdoors and regularly go camping with my family. I love extreme sports such as white water rafting, skiing and skydiving and enjoy watching films at the cinema. My favourite sports are football, basketball, badminton and table tennis and after a long day I enjoy cuddles with my dog.

My Experience

Since gaining my teaching qualification in 2010, my role has included facilitating extra curricula activities, coaching in tournaments, organising fixtures, organising and leading the residential adventure camps in the UAE and more recently I have qualified as a level 2 DofE Award Leader. I have also coordinated many annual international ski trips for beginners, intermediate and advanced skiers. I am a level 2 qualified swim instructor and love helping children learn this valuable life skill and further develop their abilities in the pool. I thoroughly enjoy being a member of the SCS PE team and look forward to continue helping our SCS children achieve their best.
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