Eleanor Nolan

Eleanor Nolan

Eleanor Nolan
I have been involved in education my whole life, my background is in the humanities where I have taught both history and geography in addition to leading a large faculty of humanities, business and ICT. More recently I have worked exclusively with the post-16 provision as the Curriculum lead, where I was central to the university application process.

About Me

I am married with one child who is also a pupil here at Safa, in the Primary School. Outside of school as a family, we have a keen interest in fitness, I enjoy super early morning walks with our family dog, in the evenings we are often found in our boxing gym while the weekends are a mix of rugby and GAA (traditional Irish sports).

My Experience

Post Graduate in Career Development from Edinburgh Napier University I have just launched the University and Careers programme at Safa. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring together my experience and knowledge of the university application process in addition to my passion for the ever changing world of career development. Having worked in Dubai for 24 years I bring with me an understanding of the process from the international student’s perspective. The aim of the role is to ensure a smooth transition to third level opportunities and beyond.
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