Erin Christie

My name is Erin Christie and I am from Glasgow, Scotland. I have been living in Dubai for the past six years and I am extremely excited to begin my seventh year at Safa Community School since 2017.

About Me

One of the things I love about living in Dubai is the diverse range of nationalities and cultures that I am privileged to work with and learn from on a daily basis. I also love celebrating my Scottish roots which is why International Day is one of my favourite days at Safa. I am a friendly, caring person and love meeting new people. I ensure to put the students in my class’ well-being and needs at the forefront of everything I do and aim to create a positive learning environment where children feel nurtured, challenged and excited in their learning.

My Experience

In 2016 I graduated from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland with a PGCE in Primary Education. I have worked at Safa since 2017, I previously taught in Key Stage One for five years and moved into Key Stage Two in 2022. I am excited to continue my role as English Curriculum Lead as I love all things reading, writing and drama! I am extremely ‘Proud to be Purple!’ and love being apart of the SCS family.
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